The Missing Pub?
We have 2 missing pubs in the village: The Pheasant was on the A33 located where the old Little Chef was, currently everything for decades has been behind builders hoardings. There are 2 photos of The Pheasant, see other pages. However the pub we are looking for is The White Swan or The Swan. It is not on any old maps that we can find, however maybe someone knows about it.
There is a tapestry kit from the 1960's which shows in poor detail a horse, cart and a pub. We have tracked this down to being from an original painting in 1869, however no one knows where the pub was and it isn't mentioned in the local history book we have. It might be poetic licence with a windmill in the picture, pond and a rather Arcadian scene but if anyones knows where it could be......let us know!